A Healthy Financial Future.
We help you define your goals and build a workable plan to achieve them, focusing on your business which is your best investment and best tax shelter. We help you fund your business, enhance your lifestyle, plan for retirement and even establish a clear estate plan for your family, being tax efficient at each stage of life.
4 Cornerstones of a Business Owner’s
1. Building Wealth
Managing your business effectively is one of the keys to creating wealth and establishing the financial security you desire.
One of the biggest financial hurdles you’ll face as a business owner is navigating the murky waters of Canadian tax laws and ensure you aren’t paying more than you have to in business and personal taxes.
Analyze Your Business Structure
We help you analyze your business to ensure that your corporate structure is most conducive to building your wealth.
Exercise Tax Efficiency
We will add to the advice that your accountant or other advisors have provided, reducing your tax burden and optimizing your overall tax savings.
Reducing Insurance Expenditures
We will help you organize your insurance coverage to make sure that you have adequate protection funded by your company.
2. Implementing Tax-Efficient Strategies
For Business Owners
While an effective business strategy is an important part of creating the wealth you want, if you don’t have a plan on how to tax efficiently spend your money, it can be difficult to achieve your financial goals.
Our difference is we think outside the box and we provide access to unique tax efficient strategies for the largest expenses in life. These strategies give our clients a bigger impact to fund their lifestyle.
Examine Your Financial Status
We help you identify your big costs of life and how we can fund them tax efficiently.
Establish Goals
We’ll help you determine exactly what your short-term and long-term financial goals are and how to achieve them with our wealth retention strategies.
Periodic Review
We will help you ensure that your plan stays on track, adjusting for life and tax changes, along the way.
3. Retirement Plans
When many business owners plan for retirement, they don’t stop to consider the quality of life they hope to maintain or how long their retirement funds will have to last.
Ideally, our plan shows you how to start saving for retirement, earlier, due to our wealth retention strategies.
Start Planning Early
Because of the importance of retirement planning, we start working with you to create a comprehensive Lifecycle Wealth plan.
Live Tax Efficiently
To help ensure a comfortable retirement, we help fund the big costs of life today tax efficiently, which allows you to save more for retirement.
Practice Retirement
Instead of working up to retirement and then having to transition to a retired lifestyle, we’ll help you develop a plan to gradually shift into retirement.
Choose To Sell
If you choose to sell your business at retirement, we’ll help secure consistent monthly income by implementing the most appropriate investment portfolio.
4. Leaving a Legacy
Successful business owners face significant estate tax of 40% to 50% of their corporate wealth.
We can help you ensure that any business holdings and property that you wish to pass on is distributed as smoothly as possible with a minimum tax burden.
Insurance And Tax Planning
We will ensure your estate plan is properly in place utilizing the four key solutions to minimize and fund your estate tax.
Business And Property Holdings
We will assist you in plans to pass on your business or property holdings to your family or others with the minimum tax burden possible.
A Lasting Legacy
If you wish to leave behind a charitable legacy to help others on your passing, we will assist in planning to keep that burden from shifting to your family.